Well...since Joe is still trying to decide what to say...Libby is up next!
Libby is our different child.....well, just so you know...she is our only child :)
Libby's favorite meal is:
you guessed it: Pumpkin Puree Pasta!
ok, so maybe you didn't guess it! But I find that very interesting myself!
Because..I don't like it at all ;)
Libby's favorite thing to drink:
Ginger Soda from the Health food store
You may not know that:
Libby absolutely loves Spy anything! She actually went to a restaraunt in Milwaukee that was set up for spies! When you went in, there was a fake bookcase door, and you pressed a lever and the bookcase moved and you entered the restaraunt! When we left, you put a quarter in the phone booth. It gave you a code, you entered it and it opened to the alley and thats how you left! It was so fun!!
and last but not least!....
She loves anything Old Fashioned including: English Country Dancing! She actually held a ball with her family at the Neufield Estate :)
Well, thats all for now! Check back tomorrow for the rest of the fam....