Friday, September 26, 2008

Fridays with the Neus....Photo Shoot Style.... was a busy day for sure! I had a doctors appointment and then was late for my next appointment, barely had time to eat, came home for 15 minutes to get the camera that a good friend let me borrow (thanks Lydia!) and then ran out to a photo shoot for my hairdresser Janet.

It was so much fun! Her children were great subjects and we had an opportunity to use our creativity and hopefully bless them at the same time!

We also were able to buy our long awaited camera! A Canon rebel XTI! We have saved and scrimped and worked and then I was able to sell a few things on ebay and use that money towards it and God in His wonderful kindness allowed us to get it! We are thrilled and it will be here Monday, God willing....

Another neat thing happened today. I needed an sd card because we didn't have one and needed one for today... so I only had a minute to run into Walgreens. I went in and found the card that fit my camera....$49.99....oh no....there is no way I will pay that was a 2 gig and it was already 4:00, I had to be there at 4:30..I needed to get, home, eat, get everything ready and I couldn't run all over town looking for the best deal....I looked at another space where the sd cards were and there was a 1 gig card there and it looked like it also cost 49.99..I asked the cashier if she could ring it up and atleast see how much it rang up $15.49 on clearance! I was so grateful to God....I prayed all the way home! Thank-you again God for working out all the details.....(even when I should have prayed about it first......) are a few photos and please check out our shoot at our photography blog which you can find here...


Joanna said...

I'm so happy y'all are getting the Canon Rebel!! It'll be amazing, I'm sure. and woohoo! what a deal for the sd card ~ God is kind.

Great pictures, Mrs. Neu!

Ley Ley said...

Tammy Neu!! I didn't know you did photography too!! What do you NOT do??!?!? ;) I just wanted to say that I'm so happy for you about the SD card... isn't it amazing how that happens?? God sees a need and fills it... It's been happening all over the place for me!! What an awesome God we have!! ;)