Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What can wash away my sin? ok...not my sheets :)

Only the blood of Jesus can was away our sin...But I, by God's grace can wash my sheets :)

I spent an afternoon washing sheets and hanging them out on the line that my wonderful husband so kindly hung for me on his lunch hour....

I am seeking to care for my family by finding ways to save money. This is one way that I believe will do it. Here is what I am doing....I am washing my darks and medium colored clothes in cold water and rinsing in cold water. I am washing my whites and sheets in hot water and rinsing in cold. When the sheets are done I put them in the dryer for 5 minutes and then hang them on the line. I also added a little lavender oil to the rinse water and what a wonderful smell! Another thing I am doing is hanging all of our shirts after going through the dryer for 5 minutes. This will save on dryer use and wear on the clothes....It also warms my heart to know that I am doing what I can to make our house a home and not go broke doing it ~smile~
Are you seeking to save your family money? I encourage you to try it!

1 comment:

Praise said...

Thanks for your example. I would have never thought of doing that. Thanks to you I started trying it too. I hung all our underwear out on the line...I hope the neighbors don't mind. =)